Officers and board members

The BCGC Board is composed of elected officers, committee chairs, certain appointed positions, and the immediate past president.

Officers for 2024–2025

President: Gwen Stewart
Co-vice presidents: Blanca Luisi and Carolea Logun
Secretary: Betsy White
Treasurer: Margy Tritschler

Committee chairs

Connie Morella Library: Candy Kessel (C)
Courtesy:  Carole Gelfeld
Davis Library: Nina Stark-Slapnik (C), Kasia Massie (Co-C)
Environmental concerns: Barbara Collier (C), Kathy Benjamin (Co-C)
Finance: Susan Lass
Flower arrangements: Kasia Massie (C), Dawn Landsman (Co-C)
Historian Carolea Logun, Janice Fischer
Holiday greens workshop: Lizzie Glidden-Boyle (C), Dawn Landsman (Co-C)
Horticultural notes: Carole Ottesen
Listserv: Chair needed
Luncheon coordinator: Debbie Shakelton, Co-Chair needed
Membership: Janet Lebrun (CC), Terry Schubert (CC)
Mentoring: Judith Graef
NCAGC liaison: Holly Joseph
Newsletter editor: Margaret Hadley
Open gardens: Judith Graef
Photographer: Dawn Landsman
Picnic: Millie Laurent
Plant sale: Elaine Hope (Co-C), Mary Horan (Co-C)
Programs: Jane Malish
Publicity: Joan Black
Website: Barbara Collier (Co-C), Mary Horan (Co-C); Jane Boynton (contacts)
Yearbook: Barbara Shaw

Other board members

Past president: Jeanne Weiss
Parliamentarian (non-voting): Mary Ellen Bittner