
For prospective Members:
We encourage individuals from across the greater Bethesda, Maryland, area to join our active garden club, founded in 1923.

To become a BCGC member, please pay the annual dues ($45) at our Square site and fill in the information requested on our membership form. Be sure to press the submit button.

If you prefer to pay by check, make the check out to Bethesda Community Garden Club and mail it to P.O. Box 25, Garrett Park, MD 20896.

We will get in touch when we receive your membership form. Upon receipt of the form and dues, we will add you to our membership list. 

For questions about something other than membership, you can email us through our contact us page.

Please refer to the club bylaws for information on partial year membership dues.


  • Annual yearbook. Members receive a hard copy publication in the fall of each year, containing club details and a directory of member contact information.
  • Garden tote. New members will be given a hardy and perfectly-sized canvas tote bag, designed for the active gardener.
  • Strosniders discount. Strosniders Hardware in Bethesda offers a 10% discount on garden-related purchases to members upon presentation of a current membership card. If you would like a card, please ask the club treasurer.

For current members:
Our annual membership dues are $45, payable by April 1 for the upcoming fiscal year (July to June). Please pay dues online at our Square site.